Meet the team

FH Prof. DI DI Christoph Lang-Muhr, BSc.

Christoph is Assistant Professor and Academic Director Information Security at UAS St. Pölten, Austria. He has a strong background in telecommunications, networking technologies and electrical engineering, as well as a strong fascination for software defined networking (SDN) and industrial control systems (OT/ICS).

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Academic Director Information Security
University of Applied Sciences St. Pölten
IMC University of Applied Sciences Krems

DI Daniel Haslinger, BSc.

Daniel is head of the network laboratories and cyber defense center at UAS St. Pölten. When he's not reading questionable science books to his kids, he teaches students about network protocols, hardening and security testing. His (rare) spare time goes into actual privacy enhancing technologies (PET), deploying an open WISP in Lower Austria and actual rocket science.

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Assistant Professor
University of Applied Sciences St. Pölten
IMC University of Applied Sciences Krems
University of Vienna

Christoph Dorner, BSc.

Christoph is the "automate everything" guy of the team, who voluntarily reads Terraform and Ansible whitepapers to the residents of the local retirement home.

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Teaching & Research Assistant Information Security
University of Applied Sciences St. Pölten

DI Raphael Schrittwieser, BSc.

In the domain of ripping web applications to pieces before the bad guys do, Raphael is the weapon of choice. Next to working in research and teaching at UAS St. Pölten, he is maintaining their Laboratories and spends his spare time deploying an open WISP in Lower Austria.

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IT Infrastructure Engineer
University of Applied Sciences St. Pölten

DI Thomas Leitner, BSc.

Thomas is an IT & InfoSec professional and specialist in the field of communication and conferencing technologies. He runs our office in the state of Upper Austria and is deeply tied to Cisco, Mikrotik and Ubiquiti.

Senior Systems Engineer Collaboration
NTS Netzwerk Telekom Service AG
University of Applied Sciences St. Pölten